What does a website cost?

We believe in being transparent and up front with all our clients or potential clients. We charge a standard "package price" for a church or charity website of £600 (no VAT). A single-page website costs £400. Please read on and see what this includes :


Custom design to your specification, with as much discussion and advice as you need. We don't use templates (ugh!); your website from us is unique to you and your church or organisation. The design might include...

  • a slideshow on the home Page to showcase important features
  • a news section for you to keep your visitors up to date
  • a contact form with a Google map
  • donation buttons
  • social media links to your existing accounts

All of the above example items would be included in the package price. We only charge extra for things like logo design, complex database projects, selling items online etc. You can normally edit every part of your website Home page and internal content yourself.

Site structure

You can have as many pages on your website as you like. These can be visible on the site's menu or non-public if needed.1:1 replica watches uk You will have the freedom to alter your site's menu structure as often as you need to as your circumstances change.

Admin area

You will have a password-protected admin area, where you can manage and edit almost every aspect of your website. Our unique content management system is designed for flexibility and ease of use. This includes...

  • Create a menu structure to suit you and move pages between menu items as needed or keep them non-public
  • Edit the pages on your site with our easy-to learn editing system. This system offers you many suggestions for page layout with a modern, "drag-and-drop" design.
  • Manage the design elements you have chosen, eg changing slideshow images and captions, managing news items, alerts or whatever else is included in your design.
  • Add or remove extra administrators according to your needs and allocate specific editing facilities for different departments.
  • Access our library of help videos on Youtube.

Management of anything else we have included in your design will be available too from your admin area dashboard.

And there's more...

Our package price also includes...

  • Unlimited emails @your domain with password-protected webmail access.
  • Basic search engine optimisation to help your site be found on Google etc.
  • Free "SSL" security certificate. This is pretty much essential these days. Unlike many providers we do not charge for this important security measure.
  • Secure web server. Our server carries excellent firewall and anti-virus software and your website account is isolated from all others held on our server to avoid any "cross-infection".
  • Regular and frequent backups. Every part of your website held on our server is backed up every 24 hours to two separate locations. We can restore everything in a matter of minutes if needed, ensuring minimum "downtime" or data loss.
  • Up to one full day of one-to-one training on how to get the best from your website through our content management system.


As a small business we offer you swift personal customer service on the end of a mobile number or email. You will always be able to contact us. We will always be transparent with you and explain carefully what measures we are taking when you need our help.

Support includes ongoing help with training or any difficulties you have in operating our system. We will also carry out minor changes to "fine-tune" your site.

We have to make a charge for our support package of £165 per annum. This includes all support and minor "tweaks" to the website, maintenance of emails and your portion of what it costs us to maintain our web server. This is collected by direct debit and can be collected either annually in advance or monthly (£13.75/m).


Below is a normal work and payment process...


A non-refundable deposit of £200 or £250 following agreement of the package and signing of our contract.*


Payment of the balance of the package price, due on the day the website goes live.


Annual support and maintenance charge of £165, payable in advance and invoiced annually or monthly at £13.75/m.**

* Why such a large deposit? Because most of the hard work for us takes place in the first few weeks of a project and if a client decides not to proceed before completion (very rare), we need to know we have been paid for work completed to that point

** Please note that the first payment is added to the balance due on completion of the site. The annual charge covers everything mentioned under "Support" above. However,replica uhren any work requiring changes to the basic design or functionality of your site (eg extra functions you decide you want to add) will be charged extra. Our hourly rate for extra work is £35/hr (no VAT).

Contact us...

Call Nick Gray on 07369 282408

Email - nickgray@interfacewebsites.uk

Interface Websites

Website designed and built by Interface Websites